Mallory McCamy and Platt Park Art Shipping


I especially feel at home here in Colorado and its beautiful landscape.

Mallory McCamy finds her inspiration in nature, “The wilderness and all of its creatures. I especially feel at home here in Colorado and its beautiful landscape”. She started out with a tiny desk in her bedroom studio and now has a whole room dedicated to creating. Over time she has developed more of a space to flourish by focusing on projects and things that truly excite her, staying in the contemporary realm and painting animals and landscapes. We first connected with Mallory when she was struggling to find a good Platt Park art shipping resource. Once she found Shipist, her search was over!

Mallory McCamy’s Art Philosophy

Making an effort to be more sustainable in her practice and process, Mallory is currently revamping old paintings, drawings and ideas, “I have so many old paintings and sketchbooks full of ideas sitting around that I feel need a second pair of eyes”. She has been able to reuse and repurpose by slowing down and revisiting what she has on hand.

Focusing more on "fine art" and taking less commissions is where Mallory is headed next. Along with building up her website shop with fresh prints, goods and releasing more original paintings. Maybe even illustrating a children's book!

If Mallory could pack up and move into a painting it would be a Michelle Morin landscape, with all the beautiful layered landscapes and animals sprinkled in them.

Business Pain Points

The biggest challenges for Mallory being a working Artist is “learning how to juggle wearing all the hats as a business owner. Painting and creating, advertising, customer communication, pricing, taxes, shipping, printing, customer service, email marketing”.

Through Shipist and Printist we have enjoyed helping Mallory wear less “hats'' by managing shipping her art and making prints of her work. This allows her more time to do what she loves… drawing and painting!

We try our best to streamline the process of shipping and printing by having self service shipping stations set up with all the supplies you may need to ship safe and sound. We’re also happy to ship for you if you just want to drop off a piece and leave! With Printist just around the corner, we can photograph or scan your originals and supply high quality prints as well.

Mallory McCamy along with her Fresh Air collection release in 2018.

Mallory McCamy along with her Fresh Air collection release in 2018.

Art Shipping Logistics

Shipping isn’t always an easy process with all the guesswork and logistics involved. Estimating costs, trying to find the right sized box and material to make sure it arrives safe is not something most find enjoyable. If you don’t have the space, time, or energy to work all the details out we (Shipist) do! Mallory sums it up well, “They have helped me to streamline my systems so I can spend more time doing what I love”.

At Shipist we want this process to go from difficult to care free. We have every size box available and any packing supplies you may need, which makes finding the right fit a breeze. We believe in and support small business by not overpricing for shipping and want to help you along the way. If you’d prefer to have us ship for you, drop off your piece and we will make sure it is ready to go.

Mallory McCamy packing and shipping orders at a Shipist Pack Station.
Color matching prints against the original with Printist and Mallory McCamy.

Color matching prints against the original with Printist and Mallory McCamy.

Art Prints with Printist

Mallory had Printist take photos of her collection and then send free test samples for her to compare to her originals, and she was thrilled. She has now gone from managing having her pieces scanned, printed, cut and shipped to now allowing Printist to take on those roles. It’s been an incredible journey seeing how Printist has reduced the stress of these details for artist’s like Mallory. 

Along with Mallory’s website she sells her prints through the Printist website as well. Check out Mallory’s incredible pieces here through Printist. Once a print sells on Printist we print + ship for her, completely hands off for the Artist!

How lucky are we to get the opportunity to come along such talented artists and make what they do easier and more efficient? If you’re interested in wanting to have your originals in print or have us handle shipping check out our website, we’d love to connect with you and make more space in your world for what you love to do.

Mallory hopes that in seeing her work people will have “a more gentle and compassionate experience towards the natural world. I love when someone views my work and has an emotional connection or personal memory to it”.

Learn more about Mallory by following her on Instagram and checking out her website. And, be sure to shop her lovely art prints on Printist!


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