Stretched Canvas Art Prints

Ready to hang and beautifully presents. Stretched canvas prints are a stunning presentation of fine art & photography.

Archival Quality Gallery Wraps

Giclee prints on thick archival matte canvas, stretched onto premium 1.5” thick bars. Stretched canvas prints are ready to hang, making things easy for you and your collector. Offer prints with or without a float frame.

Stretched canvas prints are available for drop shipping with your branding!

Handling a stretched canvas print.

Edge options for gallery wraps

Choose the perfect presentation for your art or photography.

Solid Color

Make the edges white, or some other solid color.

A stretched canvas with a solid colored edge.


Reverse the outer 1.5” of the piece. Popular for artwork.

A stretched canvas with a mirrored edge.


Stretch the edges of the pieces to extend across the outside of the wrap.

A stretched canvas with an extended edge.

Get Started

Fill out the form or contact us by phone or email. Also, feel free to drop by our shop during business hours!

12371 Mead Way
Littleton, CO 80125

M-F 9-5


Frequently asked questions

These are the questions we get most often about stretched canvas.

Are these giclee prints?

Yes, all of our canvas prints are giclee.

Are these archival quality prints?

Yes, all of our canvas prints are archival quality ink and paper.

What’s the smallest size you can wrap?

Each side has to be at least 11”.

What’s the largest size you can wrap?

We currently do up to 36x48.

Can I order a canvas print unstretched with extra border to stretch myself?

Yes, we do that all the time! It’s an economical way to handle shipping if the recipient has a way to stretch it once they get it. Many frame shops will do it.

Will my customers know the prints came from Assist?

No! We’ll put your branding in the package and your information on the shipping label.

Can I drop ship stretched canvas prints?

Yes, it works just like flat prints. We can automate the process and ship everything with your branding.

Do you offer other sizes of stretchers?

We currently only offer 1.5” stretchers though we may offer other sizes in the future.

Are the prints coated?

No, our prints are currently uncoated though that’s a service we plan to offer in the future. Our Epson printers do use moisture resistant ink that is quite resilient uncoated!

What hanging hardware is used?

For small canvases, we’ll include sawtooth hangers. For large canvases, we’ll include a wire.

Can I add my branding?

Yes! You can give us a sticker to put in the back. Plus, we can insert your printed materials with the package and put your info on the shipping label.